Have you lost a potential sale because your customer didn’t have the budget or finances to close the deal? Partner with Capital Shift and together we can both grow our businesses! How Capital Shift can help:
The Partner Program
Partnering with Capital Shift, our financial resources become an extension of your own business. This allows you to offer funding solutions to your small business customers. As a partner, you walk your customer through the entire sales and financing process. As a quarterback for your individual deals, the Capital Shift team is available to assist in any capacity. Once your customer receives funding, you will not only receive the sale, but a commission bonus from Capital Shift!!
The Referral Program
This is a great option to encompass more customers in your network that you may not have been able to secure business from in the past. You simply refer your customer to us and trust that we will work proficiently to secure the best financing option. Once your customer receives funding, you will receive a commission bonus from Capital Shift!
To learn more about our Partner Network, reach out to us and make the SHIFT today!